Roof Mist Cooling System

Roof Evaporative Cooling System

Roof mist cooling system is an effective solution to keep your roof's surface cool and well-protected from the sun's heat. Over time, roof tiles lose their flexibility and strength due to the gradual evaporation of oils and weather-proofing chemicals present in them. This makes the tiles weak and susceptible to serious structural damage, which can ultimately compromise the safety of your property.

The roof mist cooling system uses a high-pressure misting system to pressurize water from a hose. The standard pressure for most outdoor misting systems is 70 bar, and the outlet in higher-pressure nozzles is adjustable, allowing for the production of finer water droplets or mist.

The mist evaporates quickly because it uses the heat in the air, and as each droplet evaporates, it takes some of the heat with it. When millions of droplets evaporate simultaneously, it results in an instantaneously cooler environment.


Roof evaporative cooling system is a type of cooling system that utilizes misting nozzles to produce a fine mist of water that cools the surrounding air. The system is typically installed on the roof of a building and can be used in various applications, including outdoor events, greenhouses, livestock facilities, industrial facilities, and residential properties.

The system is designed to lower the temperature of the surrounding air by using the evaporative cooling process. The misting nozzles spray a fine mist of water into the air, which absorbs heat and evaporates, reducing the air temperature.

Roof mist cooling systems can be customized to fit the specific needs of each application. They can be controlled by a timer or a thermostat, and the misting nozzles can be adjusted to change the amount of mist that is sprayed.

What is a Roof cooling system? 

The roof serves as the primary defense in protecting your property against damage. However, constant exposure to sunlight can deteriorate the quality of your roof over time. If left unrepaired, it can fail to withstand severe weather conditions and may not provide adequate protection to you and your home's interior.

Advantages of 

  1. Energy-efficient
  2. Cost-effective
  3. Environmentally friendly
  4. Improved comfort
  5. Extended roof life
  6. Reduced maintenance
  7. Versatile installation options
  8. Reduced heat island effect
  9. Improved indoor air quality

Why is a Roof Mist Cooling System Necessary for Residential or Commercial Spaces?

Roof tiles are coated with essential oils and weather-resistant chemicals that help them move and change shape to protect the interior of your property from damage. However, over time, these oils slowly evaporate due to the sun's heat, causing the tiles to lose their flexibility and ultimately weaken. Weakened tiles can lead to serious structural damage to your roof. UV rays can also create openings that allow rainwater to seep in, resulting in leaks. Therefore, it is important to keep your roof's surface cool and well-protected from the sun.

System Utilized

A Conventional mist cooling tower is utilized to pressurize the water from the hose. The standard pressure for most outdoor misting systems is 70 bar. Truemist Spray system obsolete nozzles, the outlet is adjustable and can be pinched down to produce finer water droplets or mist. The reason mist evaporates so quickly is that it uses heat in the air. Each droplet, as it evaporates, takes a bit of heat with it. Scaling this up to millions of droplets results in an instantaneously cooler environment.

As installing new Mist roofing systems can be expensive, a good alternative is to install a roof cooling system. A roof misting system is cost-effective and highly beneficial. It provides homeowners with a great and affordable solution to cool roofs without requiring extensive repairs or installations. 

A roof mist cooling system is a type of cooling system that utilizes misting nozzles to produce a fine mist of water that cools the surrounding air. The system can be installed on the roof of a building, and it can be used in a variety of applications, including:

  1. Outdoor events: Roof mist cooling systems are commonly used at outdoor events such as concerts, festivals, and sporting events to provide relief from the heat.
  2. Greenhouses: Roof mist cooling systems can be used in greenhouses to maintain a cool and humid environment, which is beneficial for plants.
  3. Livestock facilities: Roof mist cooling systems can be used in livestock facilities such as barns and stables to keep the animals cool and reduce stress.
  4. Industrial facilities: Roof mist cooling systems can be used in industrial facilities such as factories and warehouses to cool the working environment and improve employee comfort.
  5. Residential properties: Roof mist cooling systems can be installed on residential properties to cool outdoor living areas such as patios and decks.
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